Case Studies

Delivering On Promises


Asaman was awarded a project to supply 5,000 tubes of a topical cream for a project due to start in a few months. We made contact with the manufacturer, and availability was confirmed. However, by the time the client gave us the go ahead to proceed, the manufacturer had been acquired by another company.  The production run of this product was delayed for several months, but our client needed the product delivered in two weeks!


We will admit that we had to scramble on this project. First, we contacted the new parent company.  They had only a few hundred tubes available, and that was the best they could offer. They told us the entire order could be fulfilled on the next production run, but this wasn’t good enough. We continued researching, and we learned that another manufacturer had the exact same product, with the same composition but in a smaller package size. We presented this to our client, and they accepted the change. Next, we had to convince the manufacturer to sell us 10,000 tubes – almost wiping out their current inventory. They agreed, and we used our logistics expertise to arrange for a dedicated transportation unit to bring the product from the Midwest to Massachusetts overnight.


The client received the product on time. We delivered on our promise and earned another satisfied client.

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